I'm not used to being pressured by bspike because:
a) I'm a prot, so I basically just /dance in your face.... unless the new 8v8 meta would have me carry Gift (which I doubt) in which case I might actually start having to do work
b) 9 times out of 10 we ran dual migrane, which is GG bloodspike.
Still, I'm reluctant to give BloodSPIKE the title of a "pressure build." If it were a pressure build with a built in spike, you wouldn't be going "3..2..1" every 5-10 seconds. Pressure builds generally resort to spiking sometime after :30 or :45, but bspike usually starts in with ss/vamp right off the bat; and the spikers always stay on the called target until it's either dead or infused.
Not to put too fine a point on it, but pressure builds do not rely on constant "3..2..1" calling, but spike teams do. In most cases, if you tried to play bspike like you'd play a pressure build, you wouldn't get very far with it. Pressure builds let the players kinda do their own thing for a few seconds/minutes and then call for a spike to polish off a target. Bspike does nothing of the sort.